The internet is a vast database of information that you can sift through to find the thing you need. If you put in the time, more often than not you will eventually find the information you’re looking for. But, what if you don’t have that time? Maybe the search results you’re getting are of low quality, questionable, or downright excessive. Especially with regards to healthcare concerns, the extra effort to validate the information can often be exhausting. Well, here at MyVet, we aim to make all that hassle automated so you can focus on your needs as a valued customer.

Well, in-short, MyVet is an online platform that hosts vet clinics all across the Philippines. We provide a platform that makes it easy for customers to find, book, and pay for any clinic visit your pet might need. With our easy to use features, you can find the right clinic for your needs, and easily book an appointment without having to call, text, or visit in-person.

One word: convenience. From a single app, you can easily browse, book, and track the clinics you want, whenever. No longer are you bound by office hours, phone calls, or in-person visits, just simply register your pets and book an appointment 24/7 with any of our affiliated clinics. The app can even remind you of your upcoming appointments, and update you realtime if an appointment has to be rescheduled.

The MyVet app is not a clinic in-itself, it is a system that brings legitimate and running vet clinics onto one platform that is easily accessible from one app. The appointments you make, the diagnosis, and even the prescriptions your pets get are from legitimate veterinarians using MyVet as a means to communicate with you.

Not all clinics have a robust online service, if any at all. A lot of clinics still rely on phone calls to make appointments, or impromptu visits. With the MyVet platform, any clinic can have a functioning online service to track appointments, gain medical history of client’s pets, and attract new customers. MyVet offloads the work required into making an online system so clinics can focus on the healthcare of animals.

We at MyVet envision our platform as the premier way to access, and communicate with clinics all across the country. The hope is that the convenience our app provides will encourage more frequent visitations to the vet, a more proactive approach towards the health of our pets. We serve to ensure that healthcare is more readily accessible to pets by making booking a more streamlined experience for pet owners. We hope you enjoy using MyVet, and hope to see you around.

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